Saturday, May 14, 2011


So last week me and friends went to see the one and only Mr. shake ur bon bon Ricky Martin himself! At the Nokia center, he started right at 8:30 pm sharp. He look great and very energetic, he has good round of dancers very cute! Very happy and friendly! The atmoshephere was happy and everyone was dancing with one another, espeacially when he sang all his oldies and goodies! He sang all my faves the slow ones in spanish, I luv him I just don't like his english stuff much! It was very funnn! Me and girlfriends had a blast!!!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Shoe Dazzle sux

Let's talk disappointments, the website shoe dazzle was a great huge miss. There products are of no good quality, more like of downtown quality! The material is of poor quality and not worth what I pay for, I want a refund. It doesn't come in any cute box or little card with a nice message, it's nice to get a cute little box. Try for urself!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Online shopping clubs

Online shopping clubs like Jewel Mint, Shoe dazzle and Sole sOciety reviews!My thought's and experiences with them. First of all is very convenient but also your not exactly sure what the quality of the products are until you get them in your hands. First let's start with Jewel Mint Love them! The quality of the jewerly is excellent, the packaging is wonderfully purrty! The shipping is free and it takes 3-4  days to arrive you can't beat that!